Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Albert H. Handel







27 January 1949.



Dear Brother Handel,


Thank you for sending me the tear-sheets from The Partisan Review on "Black Magic against White" by Richard Ellmann.


It is interesting to compare this account with the original fictional story which appeared in The Equinox I, Number I under the title "The Fork of the Roads".


After so doing it seems to me that perhaps the dirtiest character in the whole combined story is the one who wrote this current article for gain as a result of a yarn freely told him by Crowley a few months before his death—that is to say, by distorting many of the things Crowley probably told him, and throwing further slurs on the man who gave him the material upon which the article is based, after that giver has passed on.


I'm returning the article as you might like to file it in the Volume of The Equinox in which the story appears.


Yours as ever with affection




