Correspondence from Jack Parsons to Karl Germer




232 25th Street.

Manhattan Beach.




5 Sept 49



Care Frater Saturnus [Karl Germer],


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am minded of some magickal debts which I must meet before proceeding with certain matters. First I believe that there us a sum of 100 dollars due you on two copies of the Book of Thoth. If you will verify this sum I expect to be able to pay in monthly installments of 20 dollars. Second there is a problem on which I am not clear. At one time I agreed to pay a sum of 250 dollars to a Dr Marlowe [Louis Wilkinson] in England for prefacing revising and editing the Commentary on Liber Al vel Legis, sending 125 dollars in advance. I believe that Dr Marlowe is under the impression that I owe him another 125 dollars although I have never seen the revised MSS, or heard of any progress in the matter. It seems fishy to me, but if there is a magickal debt involved I must now pay it. Perhaps you know something further, and can give me your magickal advice.


Love is the law, love under will.




210 [Jack Parsons]


