Correspondence from Karl Germer to Dr. Gabriel Montenegro
Dr. Gabriel Montenegro Route 2 Box 9 Madera, California.
September 14, 1949
My dear Brother Montenegro,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Thank you for your letter of September 1st with the news about Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell]. To take this matter first, let me only say that what he is going through he has brought upon his head himself. You cannot fool the Gods. Once They take notice, They take action. However, this would require a personal talk and showing you certain documents. One cannot make a solemn, formal, pledge to the Gods and then go back on one's word without impunity! The Master Therion saw what was coming many years ago and warned me to be careful.
What you say about the house in Madera appears from the photo indeed a very large property with too much work. I am glad you have washed your hands—I hope without less—and that you will be able to establish yourself more firmly and with outside prosperity, in the Sacramento—San Francisco vicinity. When there you should get in touch with our brother Grady McMurtry whose address is
1661 Sacramento Street, Apartment 3 San Francisco 9.
He was appointed by the Master Therion some years ago to check on every member of Agape Lodge; and made his report.
I have been extremely disappointed that activities in the last two years have been so slow, and slack at Agape Lodge. There were three members that should have been initiated long ago. It has been a grave neglect that it has been delayed from month to month, from year to year. A year ago Soror Estai [Jane Wolfe] donated a sum of $70, her very last savings, to buying certain equipment for proper initiation ceremonies. The money was paid to Bro. Leffingwell for that purpose. The money now seems lost, anyway, nobody seems to know what has been done with it. Do you happen to know?
Thank you for your nice gesture of sending me your check. As you see from the enclosed it was returned to me with the note "Account Closed".
I am writing this to your Madera address hoping it will find you.
Our Headquarters is coming along nicely. I have two rooms installed with books, Manuscripts, Letters by the Master Therion, Files, etc. etc. I have bought steel filing cabinets and other steel furniture for safety's sake. Brethren will have a splendid chance to study material that is no where else available. There is a great quiet around this place. We are in the midst of pleasant woods and have 8 acres of our own grounds with benches and fine walks on trails that lets one be entirely alone if one wants to for meditation.
Maybe some day you will have a chance to visit us here.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally yours,
Karl Germer