Correspondence from John Symonds to Montgomery Evans





Lilliput Magazine

43-44 Shoe Lane,

London, E.C.4.



30 Sept [1949]



Dear Montgomery Evans,


So glad to hear from you. I wrote in haste and forgot to say that I should be most grateful if you would let me see any of Crowley's letters you have. I should take great care of them and return them intact by registered mail within a week. I have written a great deal in my life of A.C. about Leah [Leah Hirsig] and Dorothy Olsen. Also Mudd [Norman Mudd]. (Incidentally, I gather she is dead. Can you confirm this?).


I should like to send you some of my account of Crowley which covers the time he was living with Leah and Dorothy for your views and suggestions, but if you could kindly let me see your Crowleyana first, I could insert anything relevant before posting it.


I too knew Thomas Burke; also Montagu Summers. I have a ms. of his. If you would like it, I'll send it to you.


Yours sincerely,


John Symonds




Montgomery Evans Esq.,

421 Field Point Road,

Greenwich, Connecticut,



