Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Montgomery Evans
5, Montagu Square, W.1.
Welbeck 6709.
1 Nov. 49
Dear M. E. 2nd.
Your letter to John Symonds about A.C. brought back old memories. I have copied the old boys essay "The Antecedents of Thelema" which you sent, for it has not survived elsewhere. Have you any other typescripts, essays, film scenarios etc of his? If so could you send me a list, and I can let you know if they survive elsewhere, and if not, I would be grateful if you could send them to me on loan to copy. I send one copy to Karl Germer, who has inherited such MSS as survived amongst A.C.'s things as well as his copyrights.
If you come to London again and let me know I would enjoy entertaining you and showing you my collection of Crowleyana.
Gerald Yorke