Correspondence from John Symonds to Montgomery Evans
Lilliput Magazine 43-44 Shoe Lane, London, E.C.4.
4 Nov [1949]
Dear Montgomery Evans,
The other day I put your Crowleyana into the post. This letter which is being airmailed should overtake it, and also three mss. by Prof. Harold Laski, Peter Quennell and Sacheverell Sitwell which you may like for your collection. They are only handwritten copies of articles. I have still to find the Montague Summers one; when I do I'll send it off.
Many thanks for the loan of your Crowley letters. I have taken two items of information out of them and slipped them into the text of the book. Do you mind that I mention you by name in the book. I have a publisher who wants the completed ms by the end of January, so he can bring it out quickly by the Spring. You didn't tell me if you knew Dorothy Olsen was alive or not. I wish you would, because I have written quite a bit about her, and if she is still alive it would be better to give her a fictitious name, in case she objects to being written about as the mistress of The Beast. Naturally I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Yes, I've met Tommy Earp—nice man. By the way have you any photos of Crowley: I have quite a few, but you may have some that are more interesting or are better as photos than I have.
Can you also tell me whether Leah Hirsig is dead. I am pretty sure she must be, but one never knows.
I do hope you succeed with the books that are now out with publishers.
Will write again soon.
With best wishes and many thanks,
John Symonds