Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



January 15, 1950



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Enclosed M.O. [Money Order] for $70. Ray B. [Ray Burlingame]. $14, $5 Aleister A [Aleister Ataturk], Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] one-half annual dues for 1950. The Balance, $43.50 Dues, $14, and contribution—for such use as you see fit to make of it,—from Jane.


Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]. She had not known Roy [Roy Leffingwell] very long before she noticed various characteristics which seemed awry, and at intervals mentioned them cautiously, or otherwise, with the result that she almost lost the one who to her at the time, was none other than Adonai himself. Therefore she deliberately chose the path of Devotion, abandoning aught else and accepting Roy in whatever guise.


These months since Roy's stroke have compelled much soul searching, and she came to know Roy was the instrument of and that she has a work of her own apart from Roy. She demonstrated the entering wedge by the purchase of a secondhand typewriter, to carry on her school work. Ergo: When $25 were given to her at Xmas, her first thought was to send it immediately to Roy. Now, she will be ready to do typing in the summer, but at present the school work is too heavy to help before the summer vacation. As she now thinks her future may call for writing, she has a heavy schedule in her English class, as her teacher is encouraging her much.


I asked Phyllis why she stayed away from the initiation you attended. She said it was because of Frances [Ward]. Phyllis insisted on letting the group know of her relation with Roy, she "thought it only fair". Presently she dropped out of Lodge [Agape Lodge], etc. and I suspect Roy smacked her down pretty thoroughly. He spoke to me twice about the possessiveness of Phyllis (which I well know) and told me he had to be quite drastic: i.e. stay away completely. In the early days this absence made her quite ill. I have witnessed the reactions to "solitary confinement".


Roy, it seems, resented your reference to "the Gods". "What does he know about Gods!" etc., etc. I said: "What does Roy know?" She said, "Well, success is your proof! And we shall find out if Karl [Germer] knows", closing the car door with a finality. This latter is what bowled me over. There is more than that, I think—in fact I am sure there is more, but I did not go into the matter further than that.


I have been there since the above. The store is over, so I took up the matter where we left off, and asked her if she felt she would know what activities you might carry on as head of the AA & the O.T.O. I also then told her what I may never have mentioned to you: that Roy expected to be made the spiritual heir of A.C. (this is intimated to me after A.C.'s death, and he was indignant that he was not cabled the news instead of Jane W[olfe].)—and that he was deeply jealous of you, even though he had come to realize that he did not want organizational responsibility—only the individual.


However, Phyllis has now relinquished Roy to the extent of facing the possibility of another partner. Heretofore impossible, altogether impossible, even should Roy die. "But Roy will have to release me: not till then." I said, "But you now realize that Adonai functions where He listeth, and suppose He asks another partner?" Well . . . It will have to be greater than this; greater!" "Different, at least, shall we say?" And here the matter was left.


She has now asked for a copy of Little Essays [Little Essays Toward Truth]. As you said $3 to members for Heart of the Master I assume that is the price for the Essays? At any rate I am taking her, on my next trip, the first volume of the "Letters"[1]. And I mean to take advantage of this opportunity to give Phyllis all the Thelema material she can handle. There is a letter of your about 0=2 I want her to see. Also the Commentary, when she finishes the "Letters".


I should add, in case of and when a new partner it will have to be Aleph-Lamed, she said. She worked quite a bit on the Book of Thoth before Roy's days, also started astrology in which he later helped her. She has a good foundation, and the root of the matter in her.


Mildred has now a job—perhaps she has told you, and we all are quite happy about it. Ray has not had a day off for two years—possibly 3—and that is one of the matters to be taken care of—an occasional rest, or possibly 2 days a week off—as he had with his former job. This affords some rest. Now before she went to work, she typed Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] play. I have it here, and will send it under separate cover to you—one copy. Then Yorke's original and one copy to him. This leaves two copies in Mildred's possession, one for them, and an additional copy should another be asked for.


Before receiving your last letter, it had occurred to me that possibly you might be interested in the build-up of my present book collection? And I have made a list of those presented to me, etc. etc. The Thelema books are as I reported some years ago. Nothing has been added there. Meantime Paul [Paul Milliken], since I have known him, has given be 11, Hollander 2, from Maym Kelso's books after her death came 7, Mrs. Sherrill 1, Mary Green 3 novels, Willie Green "History of Art" by van Loon, as a memento.


I have accepted all books offered to me, with the idea of building up some sort of a Library for the O.T.O. I am glad you suggest sending them to Headquarters—experience out here has demonstrated the utter uselessness of giving it here. In the meantime, I have an unexpected use occasionally for a book little used—When the Sun Moves Northward by Mabel Collins about a year ago; it meant much. To-day Secret of the Golden Flower id filling a need—breath. Strangely enough, in this book I saw the first mention of "Kill the heart"—with an explanation that I can accept.


I have two newcomers in my loyal group of Paul and Hugh [Hugh Christopher], and here is where these various books come into considerable use. I am not an extemporaneous speaker, and I adopted the plan of Max, reading from a book, interpolating a thought that may suddenly enter, or stopping for a question or thought by some one, and then discussing at the end of a section. My main concern is getting their minds working, and opening the way for subtleties to creep into their hearts or spirit.


Love is the law, love under will.


All love to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer],


P.S. I saw Roy last week—skin clear and pink, looks splendid—speech poor, halting, and pronounced with difficulty one or two words. Must lean on a shoulder in order to move, cannot coordinate brain and fingers to touch the right piano key—Frances [Ward] hopes to reclamation(?) will stem from the piano.



1—This refers to the collection of correspondence which would later be published as Magick Without Tears.


