Correspondence from Louis Wilkinson to Menneer, Idle & Brackett








Lloyds Bank Chambers,

28 & 29 Grand Parade,

St. Leonards-on-Sea.





21st January, 1950.



Dear Mr. Wilkinson,


E. A. Crowley, decd.


I thank you for your letter of the 18th instant. I have considered all that you write and having regard to the very full information that you have already sent to the Official Receiver and particularly to the information you give me as to the amount of the funeral expenses which would be a priority charge on any monies received, I think there is no need for you to do anything further. The difference is exceedingly small and would at any rate be covered by our costs of administration.


I now send you a note of the amount that is due to us, and shall be glad to receive a cheque.


Yours sincerely,







Dr. L. Wilkinson,

c/o Mrs. de Selincourt,

Grove Heath,

Ripley, Surrey.


