Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




K.J. Germer

260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



March 7, 1950



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Before I forget: Last Summer I sent you the only existing copy of THE LAW by Mary d'Este (really A.C.) which Yorke [Gerald Yorke] loaned me to make copies and then return. He reminded me of it. What can you do?


Paul [Paul Milliken] acted very right in 'bawling out' [Paul Foster] Case. Too long to explain. Paul (Congratulate Paul from me! Please.) is a Thelemite and Case a rat. It would be a 'sin' on Paul's part to get a feeling of guilt.—Besides, Case has a copy of The Book of Thoth; but he'll only steal from it; he is a deadly enemy of A.C.'s and of 666's, as the whole crowd through whom Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] works. A Thelemite is something dangerous anyway; only Achadites are the thing I know all this from contact with a number of these vermin, and I met Case too several times, and saw clear. 'Poseur' is one description of C[ase]. But I'd pass that by. What is more despicable is the dark small sinister soul that informs him.


That crowd tried to convert me to Achadism, to the Jonses. All Jones wants from me—as far as he is still of some sort of sane mind—is obtain some Thelemic discoveries, verses of AL, 220 on which his mind is ruminating like a white mouse in a cage.


If possible, let me have the March contribution as early as possible. It's that bad!


Love is the law, love under will.


Warmest love from Sascha [Sascha Germer] and yours,




P.S. LXV with Comment is complete on stencils; I hope to be able to send out copies soon. It is over 100 pages! 8 1/2 x 14".


P.P.S. 666 is operative right along. His claim to have been appointed to rule the planet is a fact. It takes initiation and rise to high planes to realise this and see it clearly. There are people, gifted, who are able to communicate regularly with Him. Not I, for I am blind to a special degree. My knowledge derives from planes beyond Ruach etc. I think this category of people should not try frantically to get consciousness on lower, visible, planes, as through the lack of it implies failure. Read 1st Æthyr where 'blindness' is a quality, not a defect.  K.


P.P.P.S. Just received a letter from the pit from Frederic [Frederic Mellinger]. Is half starving because the government who owes him about $1000 in back pay since he stopped working for them has not paid even yet! He asks me for a loan of $100 or less.


I can't do it, or anything. I know Fred will pay back the moment his money arrives.


Would Paul be a dear and advance it? Act quickly. If he will do it, do it this way;


Ask the American Express Co to ask their Berlin representative, Mr. Gould—by wire to pay Frederic Mellinger. His private address is Berlin—Zehlendorf, Argentinische ALEE 11.


I'll pay any expenses.




