Correspondence from Jack Parsons to Karl Germer
31 March [1950]
Care Frater Saturnus [Karl Germer],
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Greetings of the Vernal Equinox.
After considerable study, thought and actual investigation in accordance with your advice, I have decided to work with 132 [Wilfred T. Smith] for a probationary period of the next three months. In this connection I have prepared a course of lectures which will begin in two weeks, and have memorized the Gnostic Mass, which is now ready for public performance. I am not without reservations in the matter, but it seems to me perhaps the best effort I can make in the circumstances.
At present we will be operating as the Church of Thelema, which is incorporated in California. This seems a good idea, both from the standpoint of religious freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and from the standpoint of the 15% gross income tax deduction allowed for religious donation.
Since there are so few of us, and the job is so big, I hope that we can all work together if not as members of one group, then at least in deserved mutual trust, respect and cooperation.
I called to see Jane [Jane Wolfe] in regard to the Letters to Probationers, and she indicated that she is waiting to hear from you before she takes any actions.
I believe that I owe you some thing for the copy of Khaled Khan and the reprints of the three sacred writings. I should also like to obtain a copy of the Book of Lies, if one is available. If you have not read it, I should like to recommend a most unusual and stimulating book by Joseph Campbell "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". Best regards and best wishes for you and Sascha [Sascha Germer].
Love is the law, love under will.
210 [Jack Parsons]