Correspondence from John P. Kowal to Gerald Yorke
4 June 1950
Dear Mr. Yorke,
Many thanks for your good letter of May the fifth. I am not altogether clear as of what help I could be to you. As to the letters that were sent to me from London, they were of the U.[niversal] B.[rotherhood] nature—whether they were the same that were given to you at the time, I am not sure ay all. Just what is your wish as far as those letters in your possession? I would very much like to see them (unless they are U.B. documents). Or is it that you wish to continue with the U.B. work? If so then perhaps something could be done for you along this line if you let me know again.
At the present time our group here in Detroit is carrying on with U.B. work, as we have been directly under Fr. Achad's [Charles Stansfeld Jones] care for the past twenty years.
Your second point about "Oesopus Island"—I cannot tell you anything about it just now—we are at present negotiating with Mrs. Jones [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] for the possession of Achad's library—we are willing to buy the whole lot of his books—whether we will be successful in getting them, remains to be seen—if so, then I will inform you what is on hand.
At one time, I too, have been collecting all of Master Therion's books—but have given it up—it is just so much dead weight—the soul of the work is completely gone—the Aeon has changed—new and greater work is on hand.
Sincerely yours,
J. P. Kowal. 5821 Chene Street.