Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Rubina Stansfeld Jones
[Undated: circa July 1950]
Dear Mrs. Stansfeld Jones,
Let me know if you change your mind—which I expect is unlikely. You are quite correct that I have no right to anything. I importuned your husband, as I have done you, for this material; he sent me a lot, being most generous, then wrote that he would send no more as his books and papers were all he had to leave you, and it was not right to reduce their value further, by giving away too much Crowleyana.
Sorry that the mention of Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] upset you. I never met him and my knowledge of things to his discredit is restricted to what A.C. wrote—and I learned years ago to take anything said or written by him against anybody with more than the usual grain of salt.
If you can let me know who has the Aeosopus Island diary, I shall be more than grateful.
If I have caused you annoyance or distress, please accept my apologies.
Yours very sincerely,
Gerald Yorke.