Correspondence from John P. Kowal to Gerald Yorke
3 July 1950
Dear Mr. Yorke,
Thank you for your good letter. Yes, I am familiar with Achad's [Charles Stansfeld Jones] revelation of the "Aeon of Truth and Justice", but this has nothing to do with A∴A∴ or Therion's work—it all pertains to U.[niversal] B.[rotherhood].
I have, as you know, Liber 31, do not have Liber Qoph Nia—I have a number of letters concerning the Age of Truth and Justice. I presume you can show those letters to anyone you wish now.
We have been trying to get Achad's Magical Diary from Mrs. Jones—but with this we will have to wait until all papers are sorted out—may take another year before we get his files and all records, etc.
I have been corresponding with both men, Handel [Albert H. Handel] and Germer [Karl Germer]—but no greater soul lived than Achad—this I know for a fact—something I wouldn't want to convince anyone, especially Germer. One has to witness the Truth especially within oneself—one must have an infinite capacity for patience and love embracing the world—crudeness and rudeness have passed with the O.T.O.—all this is of days gone by—while the A∴A∴, Golden Dawn, R.C. and many represented the Spirit of Time—the one and only U.B. represents the Spirit of Sempiternity—true yesterday—true today—true to-morrow and true for Eternity.
If you care to start with the U.B. I will be only too glad to send you documents—herewith two (2) open papers for your study—I am not officially in touch with any groups outside of U.S. but I have noticed that many of our older papers bear London address—probably out of date—you may try to get in touch with them by tracing old addresses. I know that the old Mahaguru of U.B. in London dies several years ago—if there is a group over there—I am unable to say.
We hope to get all of O.T.O. papers also—yes, you are right, the only real secret chief in R.C. and O.T.O. was Frater Achad—there is no other Grand Master for U.S. There may be one or two self-styled masters—but having no spiritual connection, they are just zeros to those who know.
Anyways, our beloved Master Achad had this to say—all this is of the past—the work has been done—the Aeon of Sempiternity is here—the spirit of time is dead—and he also said that with him should die that which belongs to dead, meaning O.T.O. and other related groups.
With fraternal love,
JOHN P. Kowal. 5821 Chene Street, Detroit, Mich.