Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Military Intelligence, G2
[Military Intelligence, G2, Department of the Army, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.]
[6 August 1950]
The ideology of Marxist Communism is terribly vulnerable morally, intellectually, Methodologically, and epistemologically, but in order to rip it apart at the seams one must be able to put one's finger on its vital centers. It seems to me that it is time we went on the attack ideologically as well as Physically. It further seems to me that it would be a waste of time and education to put me back in charge of a 3rd echelon repair shop when I have progressed this far in my graduation study of political theory. After all this is going to be a long range war for the loyalties of men. Winning in Korea will not win us Asia unless we can win the loyalty of the Asians. and to do that we will need an arsenal of ideological weapons as powerful in the ideas of men as our arsenal or regular ordnance is in physical firepower. It is, for example, just as important to dissuade the civilian population of a foreign country where we are fighting Communist armies from taking up arms against us in guerrilla activity behind our lines as it is to kill enemy soldiers.