Correspondence from Karl Germer to John Symonds
November 16, 1950.
John Symonds Esq. 19 Arkwright Road Hemstead NW3. England.
Dear John Symonds,
Two weeks ago the last shipment of Crowley's stuff arrived in New York, and I am now in possession of it. This makes it almost three years after the man's death. A rough study shows that it is the most important material so far, and will throw overboard much of what I have done is assessing and cataloguing what I had before. (Do I now have everything?)
It would have been a finer gesture on your part in view of Crowley's Will, to have sent me a list of what you had, and for which I had asked you repeatedly—usually without response. Eighteen months ago you could at least have sent me an exact list of this last shipment which you were holding so long. That list is hardly 25 lines. You would have made it easier for me, and would have been fairer and more correct. Even your latest promise to send it in April—(the last shipment)—proved to be wrong, by six months.
I have not been "quarreling" with you. I was complaining!
Now a word about the last par. In your letter of March 30. I cannot agree to your using any of my names or mottos, or what not, in your book without my clear consent in writing. In order to enable me to give this you would have to send me a copy of your MS. I am well known for instance under the name of Saturnus in several countries and I would have to take strict measures against you and publishers to protect my interests were these infringed upon.
However, I am more interested in seeing whether you have been able to do justice to the man and his genius. Whether you have written with blood or with ink.
Very sincerely yours,
Karl Germer
Cc to Louis Wilkinson
I want to write you as soon as I'm a bit less burdened with work!
Best wishes,
Karl Germer