Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




K.J. Germer

260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



December 9, 1950



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Thanks for yours of Dec. 4 with $60 M.O. [Money Order]. I am pleased to see that $10 can be considered as from WTS [Wilfred T. Smith] and I'm entering it thus.—Monte [Gabriel Montenegro] sent me as nice check which helps for the A.A. [Aleister Ataturk] fees.


Hugh [Hugh Christopher]: I am gratified about the way he works. Do give him Equ[inox] I, 8 to study. How A.C. on page 14 took his resolution which he let grow gradually, and then kept to the injunction "Invoke Often!" Let him go through that record and remember that the operation continued with clocklike regularity and intensity through those many months on horseback through the walls of Yunnan-China, with wife and child! In the course of such work all kinds of fulfilments seem to appear which must be rejected if it is not That for which one undertook the work. I have confidence in Hugh to do it right.


I must repeat again and again that in all genuine work, inspired from on high, there are guardians who supervise the work. Nor must you or he forget that 666, The Beast, is operative all along and is silently testing worthy candidates.


Monty: the spelling is Memphis and Misraim. But what is the "Eastern Star"—it isn't Besant's [Annie Besant] co-masonry by any chance? I never heard of it. Is it an Order or a Lodge working under a proper legal charter? From what I know he would have to take oaths of secrecy. Will they not conflict with what he really stands for? Is the Eastern Star an Order that admits women? If so it would not be considered legal by proper masons.


I'm glad he is helping you with your health. I do hope you'll get really well again. You are indispensable. There is no one now who could take your place.—I'm glad Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] has come back to you. She is valuable. But it is up to her alone to kill the demon to whom she swore allegiance because he satisfied her sexually. I've said this before: that it is probably harder for a woman to drop a teacher that has served his purpose. A.C. had to drop such people as MacGregor Mathers, and several others, because his allegiance was ultimately to Aiwass; all others were but stepping stones. The same is true for all of us. We must learn that a visible human being cannot be the ultimate goal. We have to seek for that on the invisible planes.


Give my love to Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] and Ray [Ray Burlingame]. They always are close to my thoughts. There is so much genuine loyalty in them and steadfastness!—I think there is no more danger for de-control of rents going into effect soon.


About your appearing in the Mass [Gnostic Mass]. Really, I don't know. If in any doubt, learn to send out your SOS calls, and listen to the answer. On the whole it seems to me that WTS is showing signs of much improvement. Yet, as his mind may have a certain ascendency over yours, you may always have to be on your guard. But if he is going to do the Mass, it can only do good. If you should see that he is going straight for it, I don't think it would be wrong to appear in it.


I hope to be able to complete my catalogue within a few days. I will then send you a set, and I would like you to show it to WTS. I want you to remain the custodian of the copy.—This catalogue will probably stand considerable improvement. It is the fourth that I have made. But always, when a new shipment arrived, I had to throw the old one overboard. My real catalogue is my index card file. But that cannot be duplicated, or sent out.


I really don't know how I can get through with the work. I have quite a number of important letters which demand a lot of thought, and which have not yet been attended to. For instance, I have an application from a promising man from Ireland, born a German, who wants to become a Probationer of the AA. Do you have the Forms for the required pledges? If so, please send me a copy. I have never taken on any students. Nor were any formal Forms or pledges exchanged between myself and A.C. He had travelled a long way since building up his conception of the workings of the AA grades or degrees. Do you have the various pledges and tasks? Please write by return. My man wants to start work on Dec. 21 and wants my acquiescence. All formal work is rather abhorrent to me.


I have not yet answered W.T.S.'s last letter of Nov. 5, but will do so within a few days. And his is only one of many!


There was something on my mind to tell, but I can't think of it.


Love is the law, love under will.


Love from Sascha [Sascha Germer] and yours.




