Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[Undated: circa January 1951]
I am in a peculiar situation: 666 left me with a tremendous responsibility knowing full well that I know nothing about rituals, Order, and lodge set-up. Now I have some serious candidates, and would need a man like V.O.V.N. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] to supervise in a practical way the workings of setting up a branch elsewhere. There is a man, very young, Grant [Kenneth Grant], who is about 27 - 28, studied with A.C. in 1946 for a while as his secretary. A.C.· wrote me that this amazing young man had studied the whole field so thoroughly that "he knew at least as much as he (A.C.) knew at the age of 25!" I was in touch with Grant until 1948 when he wanted to start a lodge and revitalize the O.T.O. in England.—But I dropped him when I saw a certain subtle spiritual dishonesty. Frederic [Frederic Mellinger] liked him very much when he saw him at my request, and the boy may have grown since. It is always dangerous for the self-importance of a human being when one obtains magical maturity too early.
What is new is that Grant wrote me again a few days ago, asking me again to instate him properly. Here is where my lack of practical experience is a defect and where V.O.V.N. would be of value.