Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Gerald Yorke
Dr. Francis Regardie Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist 3876 West 6th Street Telephone DUnkirk 9-8807 Los Angeles 5, Calif.
2 Feb 51
Dear Yorke,
Over the past week-end I waded thru some papers to find A.C.'s old letters for you. Most of them have already been destroyed—wisely enough—the remaining ones I consign to you. They are yours.
It was most interesting, reading his letters. I still cannot conceive that they contain anything of value. They merely evidence his concern with the prosaic values of his own welfare. Not that I blame him. Ours was the naiveté which endowed him with the idealism of our own youthful hearts, projected on the screen of his own gross egotism. I'm sure much of his own literary works will endure. I can understand him a lot better now that, in my own clumsy and less artistic way, I have written a book or two. Many people reading these have written me in the same way I and others wrote him. The intuition, the display of erudition, wisdom and wit are an entirely different proposition from the paranoid egotism and conceit of this person. They have to be sharply differentiated.
As a green callow neurotic youth I couldn't see it. I do now. So; you may keep the letters. They are of no interest or value to me save as evidences of how misguided I have been.
All the best,
Sincerely yours,
Israel Regardie