Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Karl Germer







[25 February 1951]



On the evening of Friday the 22nd of March 1946 e.v. I was initiated into the IX° by Mr. David Curwen. If you will refer to my letter to you of 5 August 1948 e.v. (and the letter previous thereto) you will see that Mr. Curwen felt that I had arrived at a stage where I was ready to receive this knowledge. (I had worked Seventh Degree quite a lot unconsciously, as it were, as described to you in the letter above referred to.) With this Initiation the only document I received from Mr. Curwen was one treating of certain practices of the Tantriks of the Anuttara Amnaya School, described, in this particular instance, in a comment to the first 41 verses of the Ananda Lahari. This document contains much material of a like nature to that which I later read in the secret O.T.O. manuscripts. (Note: A.C. himself gave Curwen my address in answer to Curwen's query regarding members of or sympathizers with O.T.O. aims, in England. Also note that while staying with A.C. in Hastings in 1945 e.v., I wrote a brief account of Adam and Lilith at A.C.'s instigation, before I was aware of any such thing as IX° O.T.O. in the sense I later understood it; it was, I think this brief note of mine on a subject not far removed from certain aspects of Seventh Degree working that must have decided A.C. to put Curwen in touch with me with a view to his (Curwen's) initiating me. This is a surmise, but it seems highly probable in view of what actually took place.)


