Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Karl Germer
[9 April 1951]
The above Sigil is a symbolic arrangement of the Name AOSSIC. This Name came to me in 1940 e.v. under peculiar circumstances and in a type of Astral Dream such as I had never experienced before. The Name was engraved clearly, almost luminously, upon the wall of a cave. For many years I tried to discover the significance of the Name, for that it possessed significance for me personally I could not doubt, since in the years ensuing upon 1940 it veritably opened for me certain gates to knowledge which had before been closed and very often unsuspected. It was through this Name too that I met 666, and I have been brought into contact with others in some subtle way which I am in no wise able to explain, through its magic power.
The symbolic arrangement was a later key, supplied in 1943, and it is from that date that I began to make serious investigations into its true nature and meaning. The whole of these investigations occupy many many pages in my notebooks and I can neither assemble them all at a moment's notice nor do I wish to inflict the many fruitless ones upon you. Suffice it if I give you the chief results. Many of my Magical Workings have been devoted to its interpretation, and I have no doubt at this moment that it is the Name of my Angel—this is why of recent times I have felt a little chary of using it openly—and I even went so far as to choose another deliberately; one which I could use almost at the period you wrote asking me whether Aossic was still my Magical motto!!!