Correspondence from Steffi Grant to Cecil Williamson
11a Fawley Rd. London N.W.6.
April 23rd. 51.
Dear Cecil,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Ceiling: it is difficult to say anything very definite without seeing the place (a photograph would help), but as the beams are so low a canopy would not be practicable. I think it would be somewhat difficult to find suitable symbols for the fat crossbeam you mention without interfering with the symbolism of Lamp, Altar & Circle. Why not leave the beams as they are, or, if you think that neither locals nor Midlanders would appreciate such an old ceiling, cover the ceiling with some gauze-like fabric with five– or seven pointed silver stars?
Dirty grey is ideal for the outside of the Circle, as it symbolizes the untamed wastes of chaos. After all the green will be 20” wide, & make a good contrast.
I enclose the Eye of Horus from the Equinox, as you said. Also two of the wall decorations, which can be enlarged to any required size of course. Several more in colour, and 7 in black and white are to follow.
I see that Gardner [Gerald Gardner] is with you again, as Ken is writing to the Isle of Man for an address that Gardner had promised him. We fully understand what you say about him. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] is also very excited.
In a rush to get this off to you.
Love is the law, love under will.
All the best from both of us (we shall plod on steadily)
Steffi Grant.