Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer




11411 S. Federal

West Los Angeles 25, Calif.



April 27, 1951



Dear Karl


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It does take time to get around to answering letters when there is so much else to do. I am striving for better grades this semester, too, which means more careful and complete study on every subject, I would like to win a scholarship for every semester as it takes off a big financial burden.


Yes, I have read Heavenly Bridegrooms and found it very suggestive. I have since debated about Ida [Craddock's] bridegroom to myself. But you say it was her H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel]. It would be possible to be another type of being wouldn't it? If it was, could she (or anyone) tell the difference? Couldn't one become possessed by the wrong entity? If this happened I am inclined to think the fullness of joy would not be possible. There might be a flaw somewhere.


I understood your comment on LXV when you made them at a Lodge evening, and I also knew why you hesitated on some passages. But, you see, at that time [I had] a partner who somehow materialized the magick, and so to speak, illuminated it. The short cut was in full force at that time. Now I am faced with the problem of backtracking and trying to achieve the same results on my own. I will always be faced with this and progress seems so slow. I have not the time for yoga, nor the quiet. One of my plans for the future involves a period of retirement when I shall work at it. And I must leave that phase of it there and continue with the task of arranging my life satisfactorily.


There is one thing I can do, and I am now hard at it. That is memorizing. I have already committed one chapter of LVX to heart and am now refreshing my memory on it. I am also working on one chapter of Liber VII and on The Book of the Law. Typical Gemini again! Three things at once! I was told that you accomplished quite a good deal by memorizing, so this spurred me on to it. You see, already you are a good example! And does it not say in LXV "and they that sealed up the book into their blood were the chosen of Adonai."


I hope to go on with the whole of both books eventually.


Who or what are the Elephant Gods? You mentioned them in one of your previous letters and I have been puzzling over them ever since.


There is another point I have often puzzled over. In my last experience I discovered that a God was created by the union of two in the physical body. At least I saw it intuitionally. (Or felt it). It seems to me that a purely spiritual process which can be accomplished by working alone, also has its parallel with a more actual base of operations. It seems that this is like producing Adonai. This operation, as I understand it, is sometimes accomplished by the H.G.A. uniting with the incarnate self, thus producing Adonai, and also by this other method of two physical opposites. Now please tell me where and how I err in these conclusions.


I wrote some poetry during this period which was highly inspired and often I found myself addressing Adonai. Sometimes a word would come through that I had no idea of what its meaning was. Later I would look up in the dictionary and it would prove to be the very word I wanted. This gives me an idea of the origin of the poems, as not from me, but as from something beyond my usual self, bigger than I.


As to the diary, I woefully fall down on that point, but your reminder and Jane's [Jane Wolfe] drive me to it. True, intuitional perceptions or lucid thoughts arrive which I can hardly believe consciously. I find it difficult to commit such things to paper, but I shall do so anyhow, come what come may! Do you know the tenor of such thoughts? They arrive out of the ordinary run of thinking, perhaps after an invocation or other concentration of thought on the H.G.A. They bear the imprint of truth. They may even arouse intense opposition from the conscious being, or disbelief. They cause one to wonder if things are getting out of proportion. One doubts, one wonders if the personal ego has gotten blown out of all sense of the future of things. And then one waits to see if they get proven true in the material life, doubting, and waiting.


I have part of Liber Aleph, up to page 67.


I wonder if the copy of the Commentary to The Vision and the Voice should not be done with a copy of [the main text] along side, so that the notes could be on one page and the text on the other side, facing it. It would be very convenient to be able to refer to the notes without turning a lot of pages, and besides, not everyone has an Equinox V. What do you think?


I have a Woodstock machine, standard size. So what number of the yellow masters shall I purchase? I want to start typing when exams are over, about the 10th or 14th.


Are not man and woman created, the Vau and the He final, and is it not she who must awaken the eld of the All-Father, the Yod? A thought which just occurred to me, only a partial view, but is it applicable? The mass comes to mind. Well I must leave this and carry on with the daily labor.


I hope all is well with you and that the business is supplying what you desire.


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