Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
[17 June 1951]
It seems that one of my more subtle powers (?) is to help men to "think". I use that word, for A.C. used it; Mudd [Norman Mudd] used it, and Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] used it some years ago. His expression at that time was that I made him "talk up to Smith". When A.C. first said in Cefalu that I made him think, I was very annoyed indeed, for I thought he was being sarcastic. When Mudd said the same thing in London I immediately became interested and told him of my experience with A.C. He assured me that there could have been no sarcasm, because it was the truth. Smith has widened his comprehension of things considerably since the advent of Helen [Helen Parsons], but told me a week or so ago, that he can reach more subtle meanings with me than with H. So he has occasionally asked me to come up when he will be alone so that he can talk with me.
June 11. Some time during the night I viewed my life in Cefalu, at Winona, etc. and noted that Jane had not attained to the grace or chrism inherent in these lives.
In Cefalu I raised Kundalini to Nephesch. Its 'delicious and delirious coils' were to pester, to stimulate, or to entice me the following years of my life, for I never knew how to use the force. Now, during the viewing of my life, Kundalini trembled through me and found an outlet at last in this grace or chrism, which now surrounded my entire body as a halo. In this union was plenitude of strength and creative force.