Correspondence from Karl Germer to Frederic Mellinger
July 8, 1951.
Dear Frederic,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of June 23. I'm writing this from H.Q. but will mail from N.Y. and add a word should I find further news from you.
Lucy—Marc: we wonder if you saw them in Hbg [Hamburg] or stayed with them for a while on Sylt. We have not heard a word from Lucy. She promised to write Sascha [Sascha Germer] so I'd know where to have the typewriter sent to, as she did not know whether she would return from Hamburg, Bremen, or ?. So, I shall write Lekve [Friedrich Lekve] to send the typewriter to your address, which seems best and safest. If so, I'd suggest you use it as much as possible. It would be the property of the Order anyway, and using it, and being sent from you through Lucy, might eliminate customs difficulties.— — —I wonder where I got so much money to enjoy the way she seems to be doing.
Your play "Timon of Detroit": no, don't look for something in any of my criticism as "delicacy of thought" or something. I simply have very little literary judgment. Partly due to the fact that I do not read books etc. If Sascha should want to add a word, she'll do so after I talk to her. I suggest you act entirely by your own light.
Metzger [Hermann Metzger]—Zurich: I think the best is to make copies of his letters as I want you fully informed. It might—and might not—be an important connection for the Work, if Metzger would have had access to all of A.C.'s works in the way Grant [Kenneth Grant] has had. I'd be inclined to see in him a parallel case. However—like Grant—there seems to be lack of money. What I would like to know is to what extent he possesses the secret literature of the VII°, VIII° and IX°, and knowledge. So far he has been cautious and careful not to say too much. (Grant, by the way, seems extraordinarily efficient and proficient in this field of IX°.)
I really have nothing else to say just now, except that the 3 Californians have been here almost a month. Too early to say too much now. I'll keep you informed. Generally speaking, it may be that we are all on the crescendo of new current upward, with increased responsibility for each one.
I enclose Metzger's horoscope, and copy of his letter of June 12, and one of his pamphlets he sent out and mailed as a sample—it being on thin paper.
Love is the law, love under will.
All the best for you and your Alexandra. Why not send us a photo?
Ever yours,