Last Will and Testament of Karl Germer
K.J. Germer 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N.Y. Endicott 2-6799
In the event of my death or accident I leave the whole of my property and possessions to my beloved wife Sascha Ernestine Andre-Germer [Sascha Germer] as sole heir. This refers to my personal property, of which she is the sole executive. As regards the property of the Order Ordo Templi Orientis, of which I am the Head, I direct that this is passed to the Heads of the Order, but that, my wife, Mrs. Sascha E. Andre-Germer, has to be the executor of this part of my Will, together with Frederic Mellinger IX° of the O.T.O.
I direct that my body be cremated.
Karl Johannes Germer
New York, N.Y. December 4, 1951.
Witnesses, in the presence of each other and of the testator.