Correspondence from George Frederick Sims to Philip Kaplan
Books and Manuscripts George Frederick Sims 2, Treve Avenue, Harrow, Middlesex Byron 2463
1st February 1952.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter and order for THE BOOK OF THOTH. Unfortunately I shall not be able to send it immediately—it is among a large collection I bought from Mr. Louis Wilkinson which have yet to be brought here. But it will be to hand soon and then I will send it [to] you by registered post.
The letters I mentioned were from Aleister Crowley to Louis Wilkinson (Louis Marlow, the author of SWAN'S MILK, FORTH BEAST, THE CHASTE MAN, THE BROTHERS POWYS, etc.). The collection is a very large one—approximately 200 letters and cards—and owing to our prospective move I cannot catalogue the whole collection for some time. I can, however, offer you an interesting, representative collection of ten letters (types and holograph) on various letterheadings with the different magical signs and seals. I can also offer Louis Wilkinson's own typescript copy of the letters—in three 4to files. This copy has been copiously annotated and corrected throughout in Mr. Wilkinson's hand—indeed, the autograph additions are so numerous as to nearly form a complete, separate commentary. This very lengthy typescript is a most interesting document, including a transcript of a few letters not offered for sale, and is of course unique. The ten original letters are priced at £5—the annotated typescript of approx. 200 letters is priced at £20. Mr. Louis Wilkinson was an intimate friend of Crowley from 1918 to his death—and these letters give a vivid picture of the Magician's life.
Yours very truly.
G. F. Sims
Philip Kaplan, Esq., 47-17 39th Avenue, Long Island City, 4. N.Y. U.S.A.