Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
K.J. Germer 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N.Y. Endicott 2-6799
February 21, 1952
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I have a number of letters, older than yours, unanswered, for I am too overworked with mundane matters—if you like to call it—for every bit of mundane work is with me part of, and in service to, the G.W. [Great Work]. Still. I want to say a few words in answer to yours at once.
Thanks for the list of books—more than I would have expected.
I cannot follow in every detail your qabalistic combinations, though I admit they may have a deep meaning for you. But you keep harking back and on the number of 111 for which Roy Leffingwell claimed it was his! Now, please let me tell you that there are many people in the order who at one time or other claimed this number as theirs. The proof in the pudding is the claimant live up to that number. R.L. [Roy Leffingwell] never did!
Roy Leffingwell never succeeded in reaching even the foothills of the mountain. He was up to the last full of vanity, self-importance, and, I must say it brutally to you, of dishonesty, by which I mean spiritual dishonesty. I can tell you now that A.C. perceived this many years ago before his death, and he warned me very especially not to be too trustful towards him.
What I admire in you is your beautiful purity of soul. Yet it is those whom the enemy (who ultimately is God himself) picks out for His severest tests. They are tested in the very quality in which they excel, for every positive quality, if not balanced, can become a danger towards reaching those shores beyond where there is no preference either right or left. If you keep on seeing in the fallen R.L. that little bit of genuine spark that was so hidden under the mountain of impurity, with possibly dreams of "pure woman or maiden saving impure man", you remain simply obsessed.
The process of feeing oneself of such obsessions is a long and hard one. Meditate deeply on LXV, III, the verses about Theli, then Lilith. It is only the appeal to Adonai that will help you get somewhere. And then finally, even that helps no more, and it needs the appeal to the Elephant Gods, as it is there expressed. I feel you are under guidance. But there comes a time where the inmost soul has to take a strong and voluntary step itself.— — —
There are millions of male stars in the universe. The French have a saying "un cou chasse l'autre"; one could transpose that and sat: "one phallus chases the other away." The more male ideas, or points of view, a female soul marries, the wider becomes the horizon, the greater its universe; the less it can fall victim to one exclusive point. The more it finally is ready to marry 65 Himself!
Dear little Sister, I have watched you for a long time, since first you sent those sketches which revealed your genius. I sent them instantly to A.C. who saw them in the same light. Since then you have grown considerably, and I doubt not in the least that R.L. with his technical knack with women in a special field brought some things to maturity. But the attitude of each one of us, male or female, should be: now that's learnt; what next? There is no end to the Path!
Go see Jane [Jane Wolfe]. Show her this letter after having thought about it. She knows much of these things, having been around Aleister so long personally. May-be she can elucidate things that are dark. But for Adonai's sake: Go On!
Love is the law, love under will.
Re: typescript work. We have come to the conclusion that it is not satisfactory to make a (small) number of carbon copies of this valuable material. There is so much to do, and it should be done properly. Carbons, if made in a suitable number of copies, must be done on thin paper, which is not good. The copies after #3 are not easily legible. Finally, there are not enough copies to go around. And, on top of all that, it takes such a long time to stick the carbons in every time. We are preparing steps to use another method, either the "Ditto" process, or Multigraph. In either case the typing is done on a Master, as thin as a carbon—only one single sheet! They will be sent to H.Q. and we will make 50 or more copies, the first as good as the last. The print will be on both sides, just like a book, and we will bind the finished book here, and then mail them out, so that distribution is over a wider area, in case of untoward events. This would assure preservation.
Frederic Mellinger is now working on the correction of the MSS., comparing with all available material from which we have to get a final version that has all the Greek, Hebrew, and Latin insertions correct from a literary point of view, so that when we finally send the TS. out for copying we shall give the assurance that there will be no mistakes.
When we start, we may require the help of everyone who has a typewriter. The Masters can be bought locally according to our directions. They cost from 4¢ to 8¢ per master, i.e. $4 to $8 per 100. We expect to be ready with the first job in 4-6 weeks.