Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





[30 April 1952]



This is a strictly confidential letter, only for yourself. I'll say later why, and for what purpose I'm writing it to you. I do not know whether you have had occasion to observe in Cefalu, or elsewhere in your living with, or close to A.C., a candidate who has taken the plunge into the Abyss (in order to attain to the M.T. [Magister Templi].) I have. Several times. And I know my own case. We have a very acute case now: it is Frederic [Frederic Mellinger].


Listening to him in the last 5 months one was often struck by the airs he liked to take; how high he was; how low others were (including myself). He often complained that I, for one, did not realise his grade; that in justice A.C. had made a terrible blunder of appointing me of all people as his successor, while it was so obvious who ought to have been the one. When Sascha [Sascha Germer] (he rarely dared mention such things to me) pointed out to him that after all I had been with A.C. for over 22 years, that he had tested me to the very marrow; and that he must have been expected to know what he was doing, while Frederick had only met him two years before his death and then only occasionally for a few days: he brushed this as unimportant aside.


Lately some symptoms became acute. It was then that I woke up to the deeper significance: his former pleasant and affable manners changed; his unsatisfied vanity broke out; he attacked me openly; he intrigued against me (to others) and to me against others. Last week was the culmination: he became literally obsessed by the typical demonic forces who are set to guard the M.T., or rather the Abyss, he became violent and vicious.


The upshot was that I had to discontinue his stay at H.Q. and that I gave him a final $100. to take a room and get a job. (I heard from Sascha that he has got one, and that he is leaving Saturday.)


I do not know either to what extent you know what precautions have to be taken in such a case, not only to protect the brother who has taken the fearful plunge, but much more the other brethren who do not have the understanding of what is taking place. A.C. in all such cases issued an Interdict forbidding every member at the risk of expulsion to have any intercourse whatever with the brother who now is in that most crucial test of his career. It is now up to me to do the same. Yet, I do not wish to do so formally: in the first place, because Frederick hardly comes to California and could hardly contact any member personally or by letter. Still, things may move in strange ways. To take an extreme case: the F.B.I. is watching Thelemites more closely than you may even imagine.


Ishrah [Herbert Schmolke] warned me several years ago that this war will be fought not with gloves, nor with mere fists, but with the meanest, the dirtiest tricks and methods imaginable. One could despair, if we did not feel everpresent, and often shown by visible signs, the constant watchful surveillance of Higher Powers. All will go well as long as we follow Their impulses and weaken not.


Now back to Fred. It is surprising that he should have found a job within 2 days from arriving in N.Y. That could be good luck. One could also become suspicious. F. is definitely insane, and obsessed by the most malignant forces extant. The way he behaved Sunday last (April 27) anything is possible. He may ultimately come out and through with flying colours, though the phase may take several years. But just now he is not only dangerous to every member of the Order itself but to the whole G.W. [Great Work].


When I was in that phase (Jan. 2, 1932 and following months) A.C. had the most awful smash of all his affairs in Berlin. It was in that despair, and the repercussion by the hostile currents emanating from me, that he gave W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] that sweeping charter which he later regretted so much. But at that time he felt the bottom drop out of everything and he wanted to save what was possible. He expected to die then and there.


I know intimately the case of Traenker [Heinrich Träenker], and we have in German the most complete File of documents describing in detail what is happening when a highly risen brother decides to take that plunge. Some day, that File will have to be made available to the English speaking members. I am so explicit to show you what I'm talking about.


This is so far only for you. It is just a precaution in case you should hear that Fred had arrived in California, where he could do mischief. In that case I want you to let me know instantly, and then I will have to issue a formal Interdict!


It is late, and I have had a hard day. But this had to be written.


All the best to you. Maybe, I hope so, some day we all will rejoice at the re-arisen brother!


