Correspondence from Karl Germer to Kenneth Grant
K. J. GERMER 26D West 72nd Street New York 23, N.Y.
May 3, 1952.
Care Frater Aossic,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of April 28th. Let me begin with a general remark, as I dislike exceedingly the appearance as though there were too much misunderstanding or criticism on my part. A.C. wrote me—I believe I quoted it once—when you first met him, that "you were at 24 about as deeply versed as he himself was at 25" or words to that effect. This gave you a good introduction. From what I have seen since in my relation with you has not only made me wonder at your knowledge, but even more so at your "Fleiß" (ask Steffi [Steffi Grant] to translate) and the coherence and clear direction of your work. It has made me think that it might be directed (inspired).
My type of work, my T.W. [True Will], if you like, my nature from time immemorial being so totally different from yours (as well as A.C.'s), I can only express it in this way: that I love yours. But, alas! as it took A.C. very many years of the closest personal relation to discover the particular type of nature to which I belong, so, am I afraid, it will take you even longer because of lack of personal contact, and the impossibility for it.
Age is immaterial in a way: I wonder where you thought to discern even a derogatory intention in any passage? Because I referred to the "Phoenix" method? A.C. revamped very many of his conceptions after 45 or 50. I am 68 and may have another 20 to live, unfortunately; except, fortunately, for the fact that I expect to be able to learn new things in every one of them.
Nor am I against the O.T.O. system, or the system of Degrees. Only, paradoxically, I have very little interest in it. I wish someone could take the whole work, and the responsibility for the burden which A.C. laid on my incompetent shoulders, off me! What I hate more than anything is to sail under false pretences. I repeat what I've said before: I have never gone through an O.T.O. initiation or graduation; I've never been present at a Gnostic Mass performance (which Bro∴ Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] is performing regularly in California.) I do not know the password, grips, etc. of even the lower degrees of the O.T.O. Briefly: A.C. appointed me to the highest grade and responsibility without coaching me for the job. If we want to get the O.T.O. properly going again, we need a competent leader, not only for England but for the world. It must be somebody who knows the thing inside out; who has a goal, not only for a period of his own life-span, but beyond that. I have often thought that you might well be chosen for the job.
To be complete, as I am on the subject: the IX° and other matters were conveyed to me on different planes altogether; only certain details were filled in by A.C. much later, and rather unwillingly, without my asking.
Reading: the British don't understand American humour; W. Ch. [Winston Churchill] himself was quoted in the U.S. press that he never read a book, which, if taken literally would imply that he could hardly read or write. "I despise the study of books—by others?" God forbid! In my time I have read and studied voraciously. But it is not in the line of my T.W.
There is no active Lodge, as such, in the U.S.A. of the O.T.O.