Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[3 June 1952]



Jack [Jack Parsons] and C.[andy] [Majorie Cameron] (here Tuesday evening) are going once more to Mexico. They have sold out here—all belongings, etc.—and have taken a house in Mexico where they can live at a ridiculous figure. I do not know their source of income, how long that bit will last, nor the length of their stay. Lack of money may solve that, for, he supposes they will be back some time. But at present, here he says: "everything is dead" for Jack in this locality. He does pick strange females. C. looks as though she were falling apart—something elemental-looking about her. Betty [Sara Northrup] also was a borderline. I thought I had a shop-worn copy of LXV which he might have for $5. But no. However Jack asked would I please mention it to you. So here it is.


