Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[21 July 1952]



George Frey finally showed up at Beechwood Drive Sunday. I arrived after Frey had told the Parson's [Jack Parsons] story. However, he repeated an interesting episode. A sculptor living in Laguna said, about half an hour before the explosion, that the world had got to a definite turning point—either it would eventually recede to the Stone Age and have to start allover, or there would have to be a sacrifice. And there was mention of an explosion pyre on a knoll—if I recall correctly. I hope Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] fills in this episode as Frey told it. — —


Frey said Jack had thoroughly cleaned up all his personal obligations: his social contacts by bidding each and everyone" good-bye—in fact Jack was so meticulous about everything folks thought it strange. He also said Jack did not want to go to Mexico, that he was afraid of C.[andy] [Majorie Cameron]. Frey feels as I did from the start that Jack, with the help of the Unconscious?—deliberately took the fatal step.


