Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer
1411 So. Federal West Los Angeles 25, Calif.
August 13, 1952
Dear Karl
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was very sorry to hear from Jane [Jane Wolfe] yesterday about your accident. Three broken ribs, and a punctured lung are nothing to make you feel very joyful, I am sure. But I should think, from your natal horoscope, that this is now the confinement in which you make great forward strides. You will be having the peace and quiet which you so much need. A change to get away from your Uranian personality commitments, n'est-ce pas?
The horoscope analysis by Surya was received by me and I have been very interested in reading it. I have let Jane see it, and we enjoyed it together. She can be trusted to let its contents get no further. For myself, I feel honored that you have seen fit to allow me to read it. I had a feeling that you must have may horoscope analyses that were much better than mine could be at this moment of time, when I wrote you my very short beginning of an analysis. That is why I plunged immediately into aspects, and tried to get an over-all picture first. I happen to think much of all the aspects, even the little ones like semi-sextiles because they have worked for my method of analysis in the past. But I don't use wide aspects which are over 10 degrees distance in the case of the sun and the moon or which are over 7 degrees distance in the case of the other planets, and I notice that this horoscope you sent me does use these wide aspects. That is the difference you will find between astrologers. And this is why it is best to have as many astrologers as you can find to help you work on your chart. The very best interpretation of a chart which can possibly be made is the one you do for yourself. No astrologer can possibly know all the contents of your personality because the multitudinous aspects and other factors make the task an impossible one. Also, no astrologer can know just what you have done with the original birth factors. How your will has changed the appearance of certain tendencies, for instance. There is always the principle of indeterminacy in a horoscope as there is in trying to know just what an atom is like.
But this is probably all too much heavy stuff for a person in bed, even though his mind is going while his body rests. You mean much to us all so I hope you will make the rest a good one and become more Whole through it. You have all my sympathy, and good wishes for a quick recovery and good health afterwards.
The book is well along and I have ploughed through the Tenth Ęthyr to date. You probably remember the character of this one. Needless to say I was greatly impressed with the horror of the Vision, but also glad to know that there is a method of handling it. Silence and concentration is the only answer to the working of the Ruach when it gets to such a contradictory stage at the Abyss. This is very good to know. Now I am going on to the 9th Ęthyr and love to hear about the blessing which it deals with. This book is doing me much good; many years ago I could never have dreamt it would mean so much.
I have a friend staying with me for two weeks right now. I have known her for a long time and she is a wonderful sport and very generous. We have often called her the fairy godmother of the children. She sees to it that they get the most wanted gift on Christmas and birthdays, etc. It was she who supplied Sunny with his electric train and Lisa with her doll buggy. We have fun together too, for she has a marvelous sense of humour. So you see that life is not all work, I manage to enjoy myself.
Just now I had to settle an argument between the children about an old box. One never knows what will be precious to them next. One day they may help to throw out the junk and the next day they will try to rescue it from the wastebasket and fight with every one they think has had a hand in throwing it out. Life is never dull in my house. Also one wouldn't dare have nerves. Jane has often remarked about how I am able to shut out all the goings on and get work done such as studying and typing and letters in the midst of a rampage. I have had to develop the quality in self defense. The best thing about it is that I can use the humour in the situation and so can Jean, the friend I describe above. We have a lot of moments when the laughter bursts the walls.
Now they have all gone off to the store and I sit here unable to think because it is so quiet.
I shall not go further into your horoscope at this time, for it would only be unwelcome at this moment, I feel. These comes a time when no outside word from any other person has any bearing on a situation. I feel that you have now such a time. Intuitionally, I confess. If the intuition is wrong, you can let me know sometime. I like to check up on them. One must try to be scientific even with such illusory matters.
There is one thing which I hope has not changed in aspect with your stay in bed and your convalescence. And that, of course, is the idea of coming out to California. But then this is your decision and one must keep hands out of it, or even wishes and hopes. You know, often I may seem very indifferent to things, and sometimes I wonder if I am inhuman. But it is all brought on by an extreme desire to influence another in his will in no possible way. "Do what thou wilt", one says to the other person and my silence often means only this. So now I have scolded myself for saying "I hope", and have tried to explain a positive type of indifference to myself. The sort of indifference that operates when Brotherhood (the true kind) is in the thoughts. One keeps hands off (and hopes and wishes) because one cares for a brother and wishes to apply the Law. One does it with Love under Will. Am I getting involved again? I had better stop and let you get your rest.
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. Jane paid for the mailing out of contributions, so please don't concern yourself with such matters. I mailed another load of masters to your address in N.Y. last Mon., the 11th. Shall I continue to do so?