Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[16 August 1952]



I shall be glad indeed when you can stop business ventures. From now on you should be in a position where your interest and activities could go into the Work wholly. I have not forgotten, for instance, your statement that yours was the job to write the Commentary on Liber VII. Also, that there was somewhat to add by you to the LXV Commentary. And there are the more subtle angles.


I can grasp, somewhat at least, of your weariness of spirit. Time was, in Cefalu, when I heard A.C. with a great sigh wish he could be like other men. He was a Dedicated Man (as you are, my dear Karl. Life was burdensome at times, but through it ran some golden threads of love, some sunshine, moments of gayety even, and the solace and companionship of Aiwass for work done—"the cross of sacrifice made bitter sweet."


Thelema needs you badly! Who else is there? We need you. The whole damn world needs you!


I am happy indeed to hear you are on the mend. But it could not have been otherwise.


