Correspondence from Marjorie Cameron to Jane Wolfe
[6 December 1952, 6:00 A.M.]
I am approaching the darkest hour of the abysmal night furthest from the sun. This is the fateful hour in which I drink the cup of poison to its dregs—eat the tainted apple—feel the sting of the terrible dart in the core of me. Know the fang of the deadly serpent in my heart. And thereafter I shall plunge down into the abysmal horror of madness and death—or I shall walk upon the dawn—golden with the golden kiss upon me. This hour is far beyond the return. The turning back point was sunset of year. My farewells were made long ago. No—this is the hour when I approach the terrible rendezvous when all my gods shall declare themselves—when I shall call upon the secret name—open the final door.