Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler




Hampton N.J.



December 7, 1952



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of no date.


Inspiration comes, I believe, to different people from various causes. Love is one. In general I believe one can say a phase of high pressure is needed to make one sit up, and be stirred to one's very depth. At least so it may be for people like me. My Concentration period brought me great rewards. There is a German author who wrote a 2 volume book with details of how he experienced a state of Samadhi: he gave the full case history, how he fell in love with a woman, how that woman betrayed him, which shocked him deepmost, but as her forgave her from the bottom of his heart the Samadhi set in and he had the most amazing experiences which he set down in detail. I had the book in my library, but it's gone.


Yes: by all means, when you have the time, send me the rest of the poems. I'd like to read them. They will be safe in the steel files, unless you want them returned. Sascha [Sascha Germer], who understands your soul so well is the only one who has seen them—and admired them.


"The dreadful issue was fought out": How shall I explain? "As above, so below"—every love is a war between opposites that strive for union. (If Hydrogen and Oxygen want to unite they create the hottest flame known in chemistry.) A genuine love has got to have passion in it. The greater the opposites, the greater the difference is between the two parties, the more passion will probably be created—or call it heat. "With the violent appetite of the beast I hunt thee through the universe". Every fibre must be inflamed to produce the greatest results. You see, it is a natural phenomenon. There are natures who can inflame their souls through their own imagination. Not me. I have none. Each has to discover his or her own faculties and means of getting out of their shell—the word is ecstatsis.—Back to the dreadful issue: that was, I said above, may last for years with suffering to both sides, as long as the mutual passion is kept at red-hot heat. Then the Ibis-fellow may appear, in order to bring Understanding and mutual recognition.


It was wrong of me to talk about the problem as I did in my last. These things each one has to "mull over" for years and years and years, otherwise it may not be possible for the flash of sudden illumination to ignite the dry tinder. I mean: if there is not enough of the latter, it can't be done. You must work it out for yourself.


Yes, please return the books you have to this address, Registered. What is the sign you put ahead of your signature?


Love is the law, love under will.


All the best to you, fraternally,




