Correspondence from Marjorie Cameron to Jane Wolfe






[26 December 1952]



I remember always a tree on my grandfather’s property from which hung an old, old swing where my mother had played as a little girl. Near this spot I recall a well which I always believed was the hole to hell.—also the blue bachelor button flower grew near this spot. Herein I find again a new concept of the 4 elements and the name of god—the tree, the well, the swing (water’s life) and the flower—which is seed.


This is the star which was calculated for me to give it birth. Jane—Jane—this is the star by which I shall behold him and in that union shall he be born—he whose name shall be wonder. His magnificence cannot be foretold and this is my star the wormwood star which will be born this summer solstice of the year 1953.


The points of the star are seven but it produces eight. It consists of the quadrupled union of four pairs of opposites. The eighth of this is not apparent until the four unions are completed. Now when each union is made the word of god must be uttered. Do you know this word? I asked for this word of jack in march of 1949. It was given to me with no account of the cost. I carried it with me in great secrecy, not ever daring to dream of the miracle it concealed. This word I will only give to you in great secrecy. With the right combination—which is my star [star of Babalon drawn here] this great word creates—and since there is death in all birth there are four opposites destroyed—but their destruction is absorption and here again another face of the four square miracle!


