Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



January 20, 1953



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am glad indeed to have your letter of January 5. It is a great help. Frankly, I have been puzzled on occasions, to the point of "What ails the men!" But who is Jane to ask questions? She who could today be as active as Candy [Marjorie Cameron] had she accepted the bit. Two or three years ago, Schmolke [Herbert Schmolke] gave me a wisp of a cheer when he wrote that Mars in midheaven meant delayed action—until "late in life". I thank you for giving me the knowledge of yourself. And I do hope the property will soon pass along so that you can come out here.


Now for Candy. And I find it hard to put her together. First let me give Jack's [Jack Parsons] description. Discernible as an air of fire type, with bronze red hair, fiery and subtle, determined and obstinate, sincere and perverse, with extruding personality, talent and intelligence. I regret to say I forgot to ask the birth date when she was here yesterday. But I now have it marked down—written. So I enclose copy of her first letter to me. Also a second handwritten one, which please return.


You knew, no doubt, that A.C. asked Jack to perform a Working, for the manifestation of one seeking(?) incarnation. Candy gave me Jack's records to read. They lack, of course, the orderliness, clear sight, and knowledge A.C. brings to his records. Too, I don't feel competent to judge them, for I am always mindful of Jack's interest in Witchcraft and Voo Doo. But he got results of sorts, worked hard on daily practices with partners and alone, also two spells on the desert. He took it seriously, at least. Candy thinks the June Solstice will bring the culmination of the Working, when the "child will be born".


One of Candy's small band—now three, but "destined to be twelve"—being a Jewess canvassed a number of Jews in Beverly Hills out of her enthusiasm. I do not know the method of approach as such, but it is based on AL and the Tarot; which is the foundation of her work, plus what she got from Jack. But it was not until after Jack's death, when she was in Mexico, that things began to unfold. First through her relations with a Mexican, then an English woman now living there (both sexual partners), and lastly a woman in Malibu (the Jewess) that her knowledge, her forces came to a workable focus at last. She would like to come to me if or when she needs help. And one of her requests is an afternoon with me to talk about Crowley, who "she fought desperately" for about five years.


I realize that one reason why I am interested in Candy is her activity. But could it—could it be a part at least of "The unveiling"? This has just occurred to me! She feared I might not be able to follow her in the New Aeon.


Love is the law, love under will.




