Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[Undated: circa February 1953]
I must say I have had a bad feeling lately about what WTS [Wilfred Talbot Smith] appears to be trying to build up once more, I made that exception as regards that old injunction in your case; but it seems everybody is now flocking once more to WTS' s house with the resulting consequences.
WTS, I'm sure, imagines, and imagined himself as having crossed the Abyss, of being possibly way above Binah; let me assure you that he has not even had a whiff of it; he has not even an idea of how the air in the City of the Pyramids is, (I have severed similar cases under observation right now). Standing at the door of the tavern, he can do nothing better than prate of his feats of wine-bibbing. He does not revile the guests, because he thinks he's inside.
There's little one can do in such cases. It's just a slow disintegration. I had thought WTS could be somewhere of help; he has in a very small degree; but now the dangers loom larger than I expected, He cannot forget the past.
I don't know how to act. But meanwhile, I only let you in on the working of my mind. I suggest you discourage further intimacies among the existing crowd with WTS. May-be this will suffice. If not, well . . .