Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



February 7, 1953



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Margery Elizabeth Cameron, born April 23, 1922, between 8 and 8.15 p.m.


This is the best she can do on time.


I gave Candy [Marjorie Cameron] 11 copies of Liber AL obtained from the B[urlingames]'s [Ray & Mildred]. I do not know why she did not see A.C. when in Europe. Possibly because she "fought him tooth and mail with Jack [Jack Parsons]." Now she wants to know about the man, at least.


No, she refers to her "magickal birth". She speaks of "1003" [1003 S.. Orange Grove Avenue] as the birthplace of both herself and Jack. I have a copy of Jack's report on the "Working" [Babalon Working], but do not know where it is at the moment, and I now want to get this letter on its way.


Perhaps Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] has told you she expects much form June? Could it be that Candy also has felt something of importance for June, for she thinks there is a further enlarged combination of her work, which she called "the child". This is based, too, on the quarterly meetings (ritualistically) of the group—hence "a child". She was glad to get Hymn to Pan.


Candy takes kindly to suggestion or question, though I have gone carefully here, and has asked me to take over her people for instruction. One of them, a woman six feet tall, came to 1003 and knows somewhat of the O.T.O. The change in her appearance since Jack's death and her return to Mexico, is astonishing to me. Before she was lackadaisical (when here at least), her skin looked dull—now it is clear and her eyes are alive with interest and energy. Jack means much more to her but she expressed herself as happy tat he had gone, and said he had lost her fear of insecurity.


She offered me the Word of Power mentioned in the enclosed letter, but I remained quiet. The more so, as I had seen her but once.


She says that in the New Age in the U.S. negroes will be equal with whites, and that then would begin the absorption of the two into one race. I heard this sort of talk when I was in London.


Enclosed M.O. [Money Order] for $64.




     Mildred 15.00    3d Degree
     Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] 5.00    1st Degree
     Hugh [Hugh Christopher] 5.00  
     Paul [Paul Seckler] 1.00  
     Jane 19.00  


Love is the law, love under will.




