Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





Hampton N.J.



February 9, 1953



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thank you for the M.O. [Money Order], signed by Mildred [Mildred Burlingame]. I hope she is not mad at me that I confirmed receipt the last time on a curt postcard only? My life is hectic—not so much from actual work, though there is too much correspondence to attend to, and important too!—but I am mentally, or should I say, spiritually, in a crisis. Coming events throw great shadows ahead, as the Germans say!


I return Candy's [Marjorie Cameron] letter. It is amazing! She may be crazy, but I doubt it. If she is not, if her work is directed from some higher intelligences, we should do well to heed her messages. Yet it may well be that she may be quite disappointed when June comes and nothing physically visible turns up in her presence. Unless the birth of that 'child' coincides with the manifestation of the Warrior Lord with was and with vengeance, which could well be.


All this from Candy has made me sit up and get quite a different view of Jack [Jack Parsons]. I was so disappointed that you did not send me Jack's report on the "Working" [Babalon Working]. Do please send it. This, together, with what I see in Candy's notes may clarify very much that I have known but had no verification. Do get the "word of power". One never knows. It may be insignificant. But it may also throw light on some verses of The Book of the Law.


In Southern Italy, as you should know, the mixture of white, black and other races (such as Phoenician, Saracen) has gone on for 2000 years. It may take that long until the fusion has come to pass in the USA. Visions of that sort (same as that of the "child") have their own laws of Time and Space.


No: I had no idea that Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] expects something for June, too! She has not written me.


As to Jack. Some years ago when he began to write me frequently for advice, he was glad when I gave him "child" as a key-word, which, he wrote back, was just what he needed. His working with Ron Hubbard was always of the greatest interest to me; he wrote sparingly about it, not even to A.C. When I met him once in 1942, it was I think, he wanted to find out from me about the Scarlet Woman, which I evaded. Even then the problem fascinated him. It seems so hard to understand that the S[carlet].W[oman]. as well as The Beast, are the name of offices, not of human beings in the flesh. In the case of A.C. his work was in the outer, still, his work as 666 was secret. In the old times he proclaimed each new Moon as his S.W., it is true. He learned, I believe, only much later what the truth is, as one Note in 418 [The Vision and the Voice] shows.—Please keep me abreast of any new development re Candy's work.—


I drew up a tentative chart of C.[andy], for—where is she born? L.A.? or in the East? It makes much difference. She has a number of excellent aspects for illumination. She has Scorpio rising, Neptune in the Ninth (philosophy, religion, finer regions), sextile Jupiter (illumination) Sun exact conjunction Mercury (she must have an excellent intellect. I get Mars in the Second, but if the birth were, say, 20 minutes later, her Mars (in Sagittarius) would be in the First, which would give red hair, or blond with a tinge of red. Is she of an aggressive type, vivacious, full of ideas, plans, initiative.


I see you have given her 11 [copies of] AL, 220. If you need any, tell me. I do not like that we distribute the editions with the Church of Thelema address, if we can avoid it. At least the address should be torn out.


This brings me to a passage in Lt. Raymond's last. He writes:—the man form Texas) "A few days ago, in some new magazine on the newsstands, I chanced to read an article on Los Angeles cults, an article which laid it rather thickly on the Church of Thelema, playing on the sensationalism, but mentioned not one word on A.C. and his serious doctrines in connection with Thelema. The self-styled "journalist" expressed horror at some of the rites, which he was in no wise qualified to understand, even supposing he had the facts correct, which I doubt."


Do you know what this refers to? Could you get a copy for me?


Tired to death. It is midnight. I must close and make my midnight adoration!


Love is the law, love under will.


My love to you, always,




