Correspondence from Marjorie Cameron to Jane Wolfe






[7 April 1953]



If you have tried to contact me you have no doubt found the going hazardous—I seem to be pyramiding a mountain of fear that is closing all doors to me—now renee’s—


It amounts to this—in the case of each they reach a barrier of fear over which they cannot pass to follow me. And since I can show no pity—since to do so is to pity myself—I am rapidly eliminating my companions on the journey to completion. I had not expected this—as you know—the only comfort left me—is the knowledge that I have the courage to do that which no one else seems to have. This is indeed the luxury of kings—but I had tried to bring joy and not fear into the hearts of others. What happens from now on—I do not know. I can only remind myself constantly in this period of aloneness and dryness that which I have known from the beginning.


