Correspondence from Marjorie Cameron to Jane Wolfe
[23 August 1953]
Beloved Jane 93.
Three weeks ago—a beautifully illustrated edition of Cupid and Psyche was placed at my disposal at a most appropriate time. I read it and wept profusely for the first time in months. As I have come so well to realize—the myths are not remote fables for entertainment, but the real archive of the human race and when conscious mind and the unconscious mind synchronize—the legendary adventure becomes the real, concrete present—and perhaps these incredible maps of the plights of Gods, are in truth, the only guide signs of the hero who ventures out beyond safer regions—the unknown—or dangerous regions being the godland of the mind.
As I have told you before—when I was at Beaumont, the presence I was aware of was not Jack [Jack Parsons]. At that time, I became aware of love in a way I had heretofore not known. I believe I wrote you of my discoveries at the time. I quote as clearly as I can remember Psyche's like-discovery to her unseen bridegroom—"In deed I have surpassed love—being love itself."
As you will recall—Psyche—to calm the fears of her sisters who believe that she has been wedded to an ogre and prisoner of some terrible fate, persuades Cupid to let her bring them to her magic household and glimpse her fortune—Indeed, she becomes so anxious to share her happiness that she bestows upon them wonderful gifts from her household,—thereby—arousing their envy and falls prey to their scheme to expose her husband—whom they suspect is a God. And Psyche, as the result of human curiosity looks upon the beautiful countenance of her God-spouse and falls from Godly love—into the terrible lie of human love—"to become enamored of the image of love." . . .
Having fallen into the trap of the image self—which is suicidal—I returned to the pursuit of Jack—(the mirrored self). This could resolve itself only satisfactorily in death—since such a conquest-surrender can only result in the suicide of self.
Oh Jane—I know that your love is with me—but none can help me in this hour but my guardian angel. I love you. I promise you Paradise.