Correspondence from Marjorie Cameron to Jane Wolfe






[23 August 1953]



This opposite must always be the sublime whole of the opposite of the invoked. Such as in this invocation the opposites all destroyed will be pure aspects. Here is the meaning of debauchery as sacrament—the sublime follows between the six and eight of the tarot. This is the sacrament. The exquisite edge of growth and decay and this is absorbed like the fruit, the wine of the season on the dying cycle of the year. This destruction or absorption will be done each time to the union of the 8 opposites occur.


Each male in this invocation is an elemental god and these five gods will be the five fathers of the god. Each is a perfect revelation of the four represented in the universe card of the tarot—the dance of the star and the snake. The holy 22. The Kether, the crown, the god. These four are represented as the bull, the lion, the hawk and man sublime angelic—man revealed as god. I plan to write these into four commentaries—or songs—for each of the elemental gods in a miraculous revelation. When the star is completed and the god born, these elemental gods will be known to their voices and the whole damned union will be complete and magnificent.


The pregnancy, as you understand—was not the actual growth of a human child—but the spiritual child of a psychic union—and in the case of cupid and psyche—this child—was a female—called pleasure—or the birth of Babylon—which is a symbolical—but most real birth of the age of the goddess of pleasure—being the union of the mind and body.


