Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





[Undated: circa mid May 1954]



You really must take care of your health. You are not a kind any more, even though you feel like one. I think, however, that it was wise to make preparations for your death. I remember that A.C. made his preparation in June 1947, because he knew the time was near. He called a lawyer, negotiated back and forth about details of his Will, and in July it was signed, I think. The important thing also, is to consolidate your preparation for your next incarnation, to continue your work for Thelema, to find a good, or better vehicle, where you do not suffer from weaknesses we have experienced in our last, etc. Still, we never really know; at your age even one may well have to carry on for a number of years, though, personally, I consider it a blessing to be released.


