Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[Undated: circa June 1954]
Thanks for your letter and especially for the Jack Parsons [Jack Parsons] material. This is truly the best we have got so far. My judgment is that he had great abilities and he went very far. If only he had found the resolution, or, may-be, the courage, to make the trip to London while 666 was alive and was only too eager to "slug it out with him", I know too little of him; on the few brief occasions he visited here, he never opened up on anything. Now I see a bit clearer. But there were some deep-seated defects which probably accounted for his failure in the real things which he could have done. So probably somebody pushed on the button at the right moment and his end came. I cannot take too many of his so-called prophecies too seriously; though I will not judge finally.
In one thing he was on the right track, but not in that he viewed C. [Majorie Cameron] as the S.W. [Scarlet Woman]. —— I hope she has inherited from Jack all his magical records; they should certainly be preserved carefully. It must be her own inner conviction to decide if at any time she wants to turn them over to the Order, who alone could interpret and value them.