Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Hampton N.J.



Jan. 20, 1955



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I return Cameron's [Marjorie Cameron] two letters herewith. Thank you for sending them. I wish you would preserve all of C[ameron]'s letters, and better, send me all she writes to you. They are a sort of diary. Who knows whether some day "all the puzzle may not become clear".


But I believe you should warn her in the sternest language to heed the strict injunction in the Comments to AL. That blasted Book is so terribly dangerous and tests its students a thousand times, in a thousand subtle ways; "deeper ever deeper" do its demons that run with it try to seduce the few worthy with every manner or means to bring them to fall. Do warn C. again and again. She is too valuable and you seem to be the only one to whom she looks upon with a certain respect or even awe.


That one letter of Oct. 22 seems to show that C. was not behind that A.C. film. But may-be she can find out its details.


I, too, see my body ransacked by all sorts of troubles now that I'll be 70 in a few days. Mostly feet, toes, and general. It is lack of circulation, as I have suffered from very low blood pressure all my life.


I do hope you'll find a place in Barstow soon, and I trust I'll be notified as soon as you have done so. In the meantime I remain anxious.


H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel]?! I did get Him in 1927, but did not realise what had taken place until some 5 or 6 years ago, and even now rays don't penetrate properly, as I have a hide (or a carapace, as A.C. said) instead of a skin. But Cameron should try to make further progress and actually have verbal conversation in the way Ira Craddock had (see Heavenly Bridegroomsdoes she know the book?)


666 should certainly be behind you if you invoke Him. He is actually operating!


Love is the law, love under will.


All the best and love,




