Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[Undated: circa February 1955]



The technicolor film put on here, which I saw twice, can be slanted toward, a character called "the beast"— not at all aimed at Crowley, which was one of four characters portrayed by this man, Angers [Kenneth Anger], in the movie, then named "The Pleasure Dome". Each of the four characters has his response to a special woman of the time or hour.


"The Pleasure Dome" was born out of a masquerade party Angers attended. I.e. he somehow walked in on this group, which was fancifully attired in colours and styles of various epochs, each individual portraying an emotion in action & colour. There was no scenario. Like the old Mack Sennet comedies, they started "shooting" and worked out a plot as they progressed. Interesting in spots, but the bacchanalia ending the picture needed the hand of a Cecil DeMille—as I remember the movies.


