Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
R.F.D.1, C/o Sihvonen, Barstow, California.
February 20, 1955
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Cameron [Marjorie Cameron]. Aggressive and masterful—Yes! Because of these qualities, she accepted from Jack [Jack Parsons] the role of Babalon, with all the hordes of followers with waving banners. This for about a year. It took another year to slowly drop the mantle. During this period she had an enthusiastic following. When she ceased to see herself in the role she needed ballast, and used marijuana for a time, which caused the followers to withdraw. She has had experiences that would have paralyzed most people, or driven them insane. (Her mother thought she was insane at times, and wanted her put in an institution.) She battled through, however, using the Hexagram on the plane on which she was working.
These experiences come at intervals. She lives a "normal" life for a time, then feels the necessity for a Retirement. And takes it, wherever she finds a place to carry on. And one always turns up! Lately, she found refuge with a man who belongs to an artistic group. He prepared a film of Cameron wherein she described her pictures, which are or were on exhibition. I have seen them. Very, very striking. I would like to see them hung in a splendid timbered hall. Only is a considerable space could one live with them.
And she is articulate. Which I always note, and enjoy, due to my own lack. Cameron told Renee she would have to find another habitation. She never takes a salaried weekly job. She says she cannot do it.
If Engers [Kenneth Anger] could put in subtle nuances of value to the mind, soul, or Spirit, he could be valuable with A.C.'s writings. But I am skeptical. However, does one always know? Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell] suggests a fantasy for Moonchild.
Schlag [Oscar Schlag]. I waited to write you the following; first, that I might analyse matters somewhat; secondly, I wanted to hear from you. Your letter has arrived, so I go to my diary and give some notes.
I met Schlag Sunday, January 23. At Burlingames [Ray & Mildred], after dinner in a restaurant. During the conversation I felt a vibration between S[chlag]. and myself. Mildred also felt it. Later I said to myself: This man has something for me.
Tuesday afternoon, January 25, the B[urlingames]'s, S. and myself, spent three hours with Phyllis [Seckler] and Marcia in Santa Monica. Phyllis, Jane and Schlag sat on a divan, Jane in the middle. Phyllis went out to make coffee—attention was centered elsewhere—S. said to me, "To aid you is now my task."
Monday, January 31, during the half hour S. and I were alone at the B's he said: "They have been watching you for some time." I did not ask who 'They' were, assuming 'they' were from the Switzerland coterie with whom you were in contact when I was back at H.Q.
At some period of the nights of Saturday and Sunday, I was slightly, slightly aware of Schlag and assumed it was my thoughts.
Monday afternoon he said "You crossed the abyss. I helped you." This stumped me completely. I stared in stony silence, my mind sating "but it cannot be." He noticed my reaction, and said: "There comes a curve in Time which changes its course somewhat, and it was because of this curve that you could cross."
And it was in this connection that S. spoke of the Great Angel Hua and the Unicorn, But, as I wrote, I could not recall his words, possibly because his statement gave me a shock.
Perhaps it was Jane who was vampirized.
You mentioned the 1st Æthyr. In footnote 2, A.C. writes "This angel was the Higher Genius of the Seer" And I have been thinking A.C. referred to Aiwass.
I give S. credit for one thing: "You will be told what to do"—from my own being at the time. Maybe it could be otherwise than my own Angel? No; I think not. But I shall watch.
I understand that S. teaches Psychology and Yoga at the Zurich University.
Love is the law, love under will.
With love,
P.S. I am using the Anthem from the Mass [Gnostic Mass] for my invocation and adoration of 666. "Thou who art I beyond all I am", dedicating the Anthem to 666.
P P.S. I know that Karl comes first with me. He is my link with 666 and Thelema. And he stands in his own right also.