Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
Hampton N.J.
Mar. 9, 1955.
Dear Jane,
Copy from Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] letter of Feb 14. "Just seen Anger [Kenneth Anger] again. I played him all the records I have of A.C.'s voice. He will have them put on tape. (Joe has a good tape recorder, so I shall ask for the tape and make copies here.)
Anger got so worked up over the Enochian calls, that he is thinking of a 5 minute short film: A.C. reciting the calls as the sound track, and then an abstract colour film on what the calls invoke. It has possibilities, but whether he can realise them is another matter. He sold the Pleasure Dome film to the British Film Institute. It cost him $5,000 to make"
Meanwhile the N.Y. Daily News brought the news that Broadway has run the tape record of the Pleasure Dome and want to put on a show in May with Lillian Roth. I wonder what next.
Yorke has given Anger the Holy Books to read and sees chances. He says if fits into the sort of schemes he has.
Please keep Cameron [Majorie Cameron] informed. Her enthusiasm should be kept inflamed so as to encourage her for further work, as it shows that she has results. So it seems to prove she can do more.
Did I send you a copy of the German/English ed. of the Book of the Law? If not, I'll do so as I have a spare at last. It should be shown to all.
93 93/93.
In a hurry, with love!
Have plenty of reports on Schlag [Oscar Schlag] from Switzerland—all corroborating my suspicion.
Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] dead? Not 1 word!