Correspondence from Edward Noel Fitzgerald to Hermann Metzger
71, Boundary Road, London, N.W.8. ENGLAND.
16th March 1955.
Dear Mr. Metzger,
Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law.
I acknowledge receipt of your recent letter and I am pleased to inform you that your edition of the Book of the Law has now reached me safely together with the two issues of your little publication.
I really must congratulate you on the fine way in which you have produced the Book of the Law which has now taken its place with my almost complete collection of Aleister Crowley's works.
I look forward to receiving a letter from you in the near future—if there is anything I can do for you here please do not hesitate to let me know.
Love is the law, love under will,
Yours fraternally,
E. Noel Fitzgerald.
P.S. Will you please note that my house No. is 71. (seventy one) as previous correspondence etc has been addressed to No. 41. and 50. which has considerably delayed their arrival. I understand from Gerald Yorke that you are translating into English the German translation of the 3rd volume of A.C.'s autobiography [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]—if this is so is it possible for me to have a copy.